14.2. Editing Text in a Gtk2::TreeView

14.2.1. Introduction

A Gtk2::TreeView offers you the opportunity to manually change displayed text.

This lesson will discuss how to go about editing text displayed by Gtk2::CellRendererText.

14.2.2. Requirements


It is good practice to declare constants for each column in the Gtk2::TreeModel at the start of your program. EG:

use constant COLUMN_EDITABLE       => 2;
assigns a constant of "COLUMN_EDITABLE" to the int value "2". When using this constant, you know what it is suppose to represent.

The same can be done with the cell renderer "data-rider" values.

#Create a constant to differentiate different renderers;
#This makes things easy to discover which renderer in the view
#was changed
use constant RENDERER_FIRST_TEXT       => 0;
Remember that Gtk2::TreeViewColumns are unrelated to Gtk2::TreeModel columns. During the callback routine we need to link them up in code.


To see which properties are available to set for each cell renderer, look at Gtk2::CellRenderer's man page, and also at the man page of the specific cell renderer you are using, like Gtk2::CellRendererText.

14.2.3. Working example

A working example can be found here: 'Editing text in a Gtk2::TreeView'

This program is not much different from the previous demo, so it would waste space showing the whole program again. We will only discuss the parts of interest here. "cell_edited"

  • The "cell_edited" sub is handed the following:

    my ($cell, $path_string, $new_text, $model) = @_;
    We will then use the variables handed to the sub, to update the model.

  • To discover which Gtk2::CellRenderer inside the Gtk2::TreeView was edited, we extract the value of 'render_number' from the cell renderer. We then decide in code which column of the Gtk2::TreeModel needs to be updated.

    #Get the renderer number;
    my $column_of_model;
    if ($cell->{'renderer_number'} == RENDERER_FIRST_TEXT) {
        $column_of_model = MODEL_FIRST_COLUMN;
    The way you associate the 'renderer_number' value to a Gtk2::TreeModel column does not need to be a simple "if" statement. You can use a more slick lookup hash.


    The above may seem like an overkill, because we only have one Gtk2::CellRenderer. This is true, but it is used for a demonstration when you end up having a few of these Gtk2::CellRenderers and each one can be edited, but they also use the same callback.

  • We generate a Gtk2::TreePath, by using $path_string as a argument to the new_from_string method of Gtk2::TreePath.

    my $path = Gtk2::TreePath->new_from_string ($path_string);
    This will give us a "geographical" indication which row was edited.

  • We then get the Gtk2::TreeIter of the Gtk2::TreePath, $path.

    my $iter = $model->get_iter ($path);
    $iter is now referring to a row in model-speak.

  • Remember the actual goal of changing a value in the model? We accomplish our goal with the following:

    $model->set_value ($iter, $column_of_model, $new_text); 

Looking at it as a unit:

sub cell_edited {
    my ($cell, $path_string, $new_text, $model) = @_;

    #Get the renderer number;
    my $column_of_model;
    if ($cell->{'renderer_number'} == RENDERER_FIRST_TEXT) {
        $column_of_model = MODEL_FIRST_COLUMN;
    my $path = Gtk2::TreePath->new_from_string ($path_string);
    my $iter = $model->get_iter ($path);
    $model->set_value ($iter, $column_of_model, $new_text); 

14.2.4. Same ice-cream, different topping

The above principle is also used on the Gtk2::CellRendererToggle. In order to make changes apply to the underlying model, you have to connect a signal callback to its "toggled" signal.

The callback will receive the following:

my ($cell, $path_str, $model) = @_;
You then need to read the current state of the Gtk2::CellRendererToggle from the model, invert it and write it back to the model so it can again be reflected by the Gtk2::CellRendererToggle that was "toggled". The rest can be done in much the same way Gtk2::CellRendererText did it.