12.5. Gtk2::TextMarks

A Gtk2::TextMark indicates a location in a Gtk2::TextBuffer between two characters that is preserved across buffer modifications. Gtk2::TextMarks are created, moved and deleted using the Gtk2::TextBuffer methods as described in the Gtk2::TextBuffer section.

A Gtk2::TextBuffer has two built-in Gtk2::TextMarks named: insert and selection_bound which refer to the insertion point and the boundary of the selection (these may refer to the same location).

The name of a Gtk2::TextMark can be retrieved using the method:

string = $mark->get_name 
By default Gtk2::TextMarks other than insert are not visible (displayed as a vertical bar). The visibility of a mark can be set and retrieved using the methods:
boolean = $mark->get_visible 

$mark->set_visible ($setting) 
	* $setting (boolean)
where $setting is TRUE if the Gtk2::TextMark is visible.

The Gtk2::TextBuffer that contains a Gtk2::TextMark can be obtained using the method:

textbuffer = $mark->get_buffer 
You can determine whether a Gtk2::TextMark has been deleted using the method:
boolean = $mark->get_deleted 
The left gravity of a Gtk2::TextMark can be retrieved using the method:
boolean = $mark->get_left_gravity 
The left gravity of a Gtk2::TextMark indicates where the mark will end up after an insertion. If left gravity is TRUE the mark will be to the left of the insertion; if FALSE, to the right of the insertion.